An Hour of Procrastination - THE PROJECT

Sunday, April 4, 2010


There’s some ludicrous figure - 82% of us - that procrastinate. And this project was whole-heartedly born out of a fear of it.

I used to be brilliant at procrastinating, productive and creative. I didn’t necessarily produce or create anything brilliant, but I did have a wonderful time doing it.

Depending on what you read, there are three or maybe six different types of procrastinators. There are those who procrastinate from doing day-to-day things; bills, exercise, work and then there are those who procrastinate on those big life things…changing jobs, leaving lovers. There are others and of course you can dip in and out of both but the extremity of its effects will vary massively.

I’m fascinated by why we procrastinate and what we do to procrastinate. Some people say that procrastination is laziness or anxiety, others, that it is a fear of the success that may come after the follow-through. The latter I find amusing when applying it to my own life but maybe it is true. We’ll see.

I think there are a billion different reasons why we do it, but at the end of the day I think it leaves us all feeling quite similar. That creaky pit of the stomach feeling that makes you wince at the thought of still having ‘not done it’. Things that are easy, things that are hard. Ich.

I’ve been working full-time for two years in a job that I really like, but all of the other things that I used to like seemed to have stopped. No projects, no writing, no making. So, I’m about to go part-time for six months. Six months to do all of these things that apparently are so important to me. I was wildly excited when it all happened, and then there was a sinking feeling that set-in. Anna, you’ll just be lazy. You’re not going to do anything…you’ll be delighted with your free time and sleep in, drink tea with friends and just hang around.

I now I have these extra fifteen extra hours in my life that were never there before. It’s a little bit like winning money and I want to share it around.


I’m donating 2 hours per week in one hour blocks to assist you in something you’ve been procrastinating on starting/finishing/planning. Anything you like.


Filling in disgustingly boring but important forms
Putting photos in albums
Backing-up computers
Hemming pants
Booking overseas trips
Leaving jobs
Writing letters to family
Going up tall buildings to confront fear of heights
Weeding gardens
Opening mail
Picking up possessions from exes
Get your drivers license
Writing grant acquittals
Starting something you’ve been wanting to do for an age

Yuck – I feel sick just looking at this list, but I think it will be fun.


You decide what you’ve been procrastinating on and I’ll come do it with you. This is going to look different for everybody. It might mean I sit with you for an hour while you do something and I just crack the whip so you actually do it OR I might strategise with you OR I might just be in the same room as you do it so it is less excruciating OR I might actually properly help you help you. Depends. Whatever it takes to relieve some of the procrastination pain. Some tasks will of course take longer than an hour, some might be days, or years – it’s a start.


Answer these questions and post them in the comments box.
If you have questions email them to annasved(AT) with the subject ‘PROCRASTINATION’

Three Preferred Dates and Times:
Exact Location:
The Task at Hand:
The Reason:
Other details: e.g. Will there be travel required? Do I need to wear/bring anything in particular?


Cannot kill me
Cannot take more than an hour
Cannot cost me $
In Melbourne or you organise the ferry of me to your location

You'll feel a million bucks
I may document part of the process (audio/video for radio & web)

1 comment:

Scratchindog said...

Pseudonym: scratchindog
Phone Number: +84 1258427115
Three Preferred Dates and Times: 03/02/10 9am
Exact Location: 8 Nguyen Che Nghia, Hanoi
The Task at Hand: Assist me buying prescription sunglasses
The Reason: I dislike delving into the realm of possibly complicated Vietnamese commercial interactions by myself.
Other Details: This project is based in Hanoi, Vietnam. However, since you happen to be here I see this as no problem.